Nutrition Counselling - Conseil de Nutrition

Welcome to the website of Dr. Bettina Schulz , Praxis für Ernährungsberatung in Dossenheim.

Dr. Bettina Schulz has studied in Gießen and at the Kansas State University, USA.


My emphazise in nutrition therapy lies on

  • weight problems, meaning overweight or underweight
  • nutrition behaviour disorders
  • digestive disorders like bloating or diarrhea, lactose- or fructose malabsorption
  • Histamin intolerance and mast cell activation syndrome
  • Food Allergies
  • Neurodermitis and nutrition in children an adults
  • Sports nutrition

Federal Health Insurances reembourse partially the consulting fees.


Nutrition therapy is a mixture of medicine and psychology. Therefore I cooperate with Medical Doctors and psychotherapists. Dr. Bettina Schulz is registered as a food allergy expert from the German Association of Allergy and Asthma – Deutscher Allergie – und Asthmabund and has a specialisation on eating behaviour disorders from the „Frankfurter Zentrum für Essstörungen“. Also she completed several degrees in overweight treatment for children and adults.




The practice is located in Dossenheim near Heidelberg, Osmiastr. 12, in the building oft the HELMIN Apotheke.

Look at "Kontakt".


You can reach the practice by tram Nr.5, stop at „Dossenheim Bahnhof“, then turn right and walk on „Bahnhofsstraße“. You will find the HELMIN Apotheke on the left side after 150 m.


  • Nutrition therapy in English
  • Conseil de nutrition en Francais.